

(a) ショッピングにおける割引(額)

(b) 楽天ポイントやVポイントなどポイントでの購入(額)

(c) 預金の利子や証券の利益(税引き後の額)



Alleviate anxiety when investing

We are afraid to lose money on investment. But I understand I can earn profits by taking risks.

I want to take it easy, so I am investing the following amount in stocks.

(a) discount amount for shopping

(b) purchase amount paid with points such as Rakuten point, V point.

(c) interest on deposits, profits earned from securities (after tax)

I try to be practical by thinking “In the worst case scenario, it’s OK for securities bought with above (a),(b),(c) to become zero”. I can do it, so far.

That’s all