
14:40に着きました。チェックインは15:00以降、部屋の準備中でしたが、海を見ながらラウンジでビール(SAPPORO SORACHI 1984)を飲みながらくつろげるので、ストレスゼロでした。海越しに伊豆半島(天城山系)が見えました。








Stay at Yaizu Grand Hotel

My wife and I are interested in all inclusive service and we stayed at the Hotel from Feb.14 to 15, 2025.

We reached the hotel at 14:40. The hotel usually starts check-in from 15:00 and our room was being prepared at that time. But we could see Suruga bay and drank beer(SAPPORO SORACHI 1984) and Champagne, so we were stress-free. We could see Izu peninsula(Amagi mountain range) over the bay.

We entered our room at 15:00 and enjoyed ocean view. I wanted to go to the bath, but before then we went to “Forest Terrace Cafe” by the slope car. It was a little adventure experience. We saw some families. I thought children might enjoy the hotel activity both indoors and outdoors.

About open-air bath called “sea bathing”, I think women can enter. There was a notice “When you go further than here, you are seen from other facilities.” and it’s easy to understand. The hotel’s hot spring is called “Yaizu Kuroshio Onsen” and it seems to gush out from 1,500 m underground called goddess strata about 19 million years ago. It’s slightly alkaline. I saw Mt.Fuji from the open-air bath and felt energized. It was sunny on that day and I saw typical white crown Mt.Fuji. At 6:00 am (early morning) on the next day, I saw black Mt.Fuji.

Mt.Fuji looked beautiful from the in-house lounge “Fuji view lounge”. There was craft beer(maybe called Brooklyn lager) and I was excited.

At dinner, there were draft beers called “Shizuoka beer” and bottle beers called “Asahi Super Dry”. Raw fish was really freshly. I ate Tai first and it was the most freshly in my life. I was impressed. Pizza, roast beeg, paella, curry ant others were very delicious.

At night, the hotel gives a piano performance at the lounge. We heard Here there and everywhere(beatles), Clair de lune(Debussy), Love light(Kyu Sakamoto). We saw the full moon shining on the sea surface. It was fantastical and I felt like the moon was calling me.

On the way home, we went to Discovery Park Yaizu(Astronomical science museum), Tajirihama coast next to the museum, and Yaizu Shrine.

That’s all.